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Cameron Kruse

(B.F.A., metals and jewelry, 2013)

At SCAD, I broadened and honed my artistic and business skills, which lead to my dream internship in New York City in the jewelry design field. The internship soon turned into a job offer, which I ultimately decided to turn down. My entrepreneurial spirit was stirring and becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. So through much prayer and with the guidance of my parents (both successfully self-employed accountant and financial advisor), I launched Cameron Kruse Designs full time in 2013.

Cameron Kruse Designs are simple yet elegant, delicate though durable, and artful while remaining approachable. Layering, mixing, and stacking is encouraged and allows each customer to create a custom one of a kind look. Cameron Kruse Designs are created with the purpose of serving the wearer in any facet of life they find themselves in.

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